Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - Bridging the Gap


Mary Beth said...

I love bridges - you never know where they will end up. I just don't like them very high:)

Priscilla George said...

wonderful photo. I love bridges they are wonderful. My favorites are the ones covered in vines but I love anything covered in vines.

Thank you for stopping my and commenting on my wordless wednesday post. I love to hear about others that have gone into Horticulture.

Homemom3 said...

Love the pic Michelle, happy WW!

Pauline said...

Beautiful scenic picture --- makes me want to move to the mountain area and take the city out of this girl!

{Ãñgê£}ä said...

bnBeautiful. Bridges of all shapes and sizes are so interesting.
Happy WW! (a day late)