Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sarah is Growing Up

Ten years ago today I was in labor with my daughter, Sarah. She tried to come early, so I was given bed rest and meds to stop my contractions. That worked so well that she stayed inside a week or so over-time and I had to be induced. I tell her this story every year - I tell all the kids their birth story every year and they are all 2-day story kids. Not a one of them came out easily. I start on the day before their birthdays, telling them what happened on that day - I started labor, I walked for hours, I kept going by the hospital to see if my early labor was progressing, etc.

Sarah was born early in the morning on the 14th. I pushed her for a couple of hours - the other kids slid out easily - she was so big, that her little collarbone broke on the way out. The room was full of activity and they ran out of the room with her as soon as possible. I can remember being scared, but also thinking that she looked so full and strong - no baby with newborn buns that filled out wasn't going to make it. Honestly, the girl was born with a JLo booty, lucky kid. She weighed 9lbs and 14 ounces, only 2 ounces shy of 10 lbs.

My baby turning ten, it's not a completely comfortable thought. She's so big, so grown-up - I really don't have a baby-baby anymore. I hope she never loses her spark, it's so easy for a girl to lose her spark as she gets older, always someone out there wanting to dim it for you. I love it when she does things like this:

That's her older sister's Marilyn Monroe Halloween wig. She wore it every afternoon for awhile. She made up an alter-ego and tried to get the other kids to buy that identity. She couldn't understand how they knew it was really her. That really tickles me.

Last week, her class attended a living history day at a museum up in Paradise. They were taught skills that early Butte County pioneers needed to know in order to survive. They made candles, cooked stew, panned for gold, shaved (this part she found hilarious), made rope, sewed, and made a small loom for weaving. She had a blast. I was able to attend the same event with Bay when she was in the 4th grade, but I had to skip Sarah's trip. This is what she wore to event:
I took that picture before school and she was acting especially goofy. Goofy is what she does best. Well, that and math. I am so lucky that I get to be her mom.


Phyl said...

This is an absolutely precious post~ Thank you for sharing it and stopping by my blog!

Askew To You said...

Thank you!