Today, Sarah and I took part in a 5K run to benefit the Butte County Humane Society, at Bidwell Park. We were so excited - Sarah is all about dogs, in fact, she has said that her "fondest wish" is to "become a dog" and she insists that she is "almost there." My girl, Sarah, is unique.
Also unique is Darla, the shelter dog that we borrowed for the run. She was so sweet and funny (and really, really strong, my arm is exhausted). Everybody who passed her said, "Oh look at that face!"
We could hear the dogs as we walked up, they were very excited and a bit loud. Sarah was a little nervous and Darla was a little bit nuts. What a change from a day at the shelter, I am sure. She smelled everything and everybody. I kept trying to get a photo of her face, but she was really on the move.
Sarah thought is was funny that Darla kept tripping me and making me spin in circles. Well, yeah, I thought it was pretty funny, too, actually. She was very energetic and I appreciate enthusiasm.
Most of the people with shelter dogs were walking, so we ran ahead a bit - Darla was much calmer when there were not as many doggie butts to sniff. About 2 miles in, she calmed down enough so that Sarah could hold the leash. Sarah did a great job, she really does understand dogs and she ran most of the way. I was very proud of her.
It was a wonderful day. We had so much fun and we really fell for Darla. That Darla - she's a charmer!
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