Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sarah is Running For Office

Less than 28 hours ago, my boyfriend left us to return to his home in Oregon. We had a great visit, but as all visits go, it was too short. I appreciate the time he takes, driving 6 hours down, then 6 hours up, in order to visit us for about 36 hours. I've spoken with Sarah about the visits, about how we should try to wait until he's gone before we cry. It's hard to do that, but I don't want to make him feel guilty about leaving. Sarah did pretty good until he was out of sight. Saying goodbye is never easy.

As Sarah cried, she told me that she was sad about Steve, sad about Taylor next door moving to Washington, and sad about Grandpa's death. She was sad and it all sort of hit her at once. I can remember Bay doing the same thing. She'd start crying and it would go on until she'd fall asleep, exhausted.

Tomorrow, Sarah is running for the Student Council. She is excited. I am scared. She's so bold, I follow her lead, try my best not to let her know that I'm worried. She isn't worried about losing, she wants to give it a try. We worked together on her poster and speech. So much fun.

I ran for Student Council in the 8th grade. I didn't run in the big election, the one at the end of the 7th grade school year. I ran in a special small election because we were short 3 homeroom representatives. I don't think I gave a speech. They just put my name on a ballot with 5 other people and 3 of us won.

Student Council was fun. We took turns doing these inspections of the hallways and the restrooms. We'd rate the way they were left, if there was garbage on the floor, that kind of thing. If there wasn't, we'd give a good rating and with a week of good ratings, we'd get out early on Friday afternoon. It was called.... well, I can't remember. I'll have to ask Leah and Jackie if they remember. Anyway, it was fun. I can remember that we were all really tough with the inspections, we took our responsibility seriously.

Sarah would be that way. She loves her school and she has some good ideas about what would make a good homeroom representative. Here's a quote from her speech, "... I will do my best to make sure that your voice and your ideas are heard..."
Well, it's late and I've got a new book, New Moon, to read. After that, I'm pretty sure that I'll be dreaming of this guy.


maryt/theteach said...

Good luck to Sarah! I hope she wins! And I hope Steve comes back soon! :)

Askew To You said...

Thanks. She didn't win, but she still had a great time with the election and she's going to hang her campaign poster on her wall.

I hope Steve comes back soon, too. My family loves him very much.