She and I, we find each other's company challenging, at times. She's doing what she's supposed to do at this point - she's driving me crazy so that I will be able to let her go someday. I get that, but getting it and surviving it are two very different things.
Anyway, back to Bay........ She and I had a sleepover last night. It was so fun!! Sarah was out of town - a Girl Scout Sleepover at a water park in Redding, CA - and we drug her mattress out to the living room, watched movies, ate Taco Bell and brownies, and got silly with YouTube. Did you know that much of YouTube is baby farts? Well, it is and baby farts, much like boys screaming like girls, always funny. Either that, or I'm very easily amused........ Okay, it's probably that.
Bay told me that she liked having me to herself. Who knew? I'm feeling very peaceful tonight. :D
Fun day! Adorable children you have! Nice red photo:)Mine is posted HERE! Drop by if you get a chance;)
Thank you, Yen. :D I enjoyed your red candles, too.
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