Here's some photos of the huge slip-n-slide that so many kids enjoyed at the big party at my apartments last weekend. It had red stripes around the sides. It's a combination bounce house/water toy. The lady who was running it would say, "Go!" and the kids would run as fast as they could, then leap forward, onto their bellies, and slide all the way to the other end.
They'd come out the other end, then run as fast as they could back to the line, in order to get another turn. The lady tried to keep them spaced apart pretty well, but the bigger boys, these guys were about 14 or 15, they would jumble together and smash into each other at that end wall. The line was fairly long, but it moved briskly.
Here's a closer shot of a child's face. She has just ended her slide and she's thrilled.
I didn't take a run at the slide, but I'm a big fan of the traditional ones. For more Ruby Tuesday posts, check out the list at the Teach's site,
Wow... what a wonderful slip-in-slide for kids to have fun grands in Atlanta would love it. Thanks for sharing and visiting my place today, Baba
Boy that looks like fun! Nice series of photos.
Looked like fun. Awesome Ruby Tuesday posting. I think we need one of those here in Salem. 90+degrees today.
Fun Fun Fun!!
That's what I was wonder, if you took a turn yourself......I don't think I would have been able to resist!
That is the ultimate slip-n-slide. Obviously there are size and weight restrictions to keep the adults off.
Why do kids get to have all the fun??
Wanderer and Ralph..... I did not go on the slip-n-slide, but I'm pretty sure that it was strong enough for adults. It's quite large. I would have tried it, had it been at a smaller party, but my excuses are this: I was holding my camera and I was too shy in front of over 100 people. Next time I'll do it. :D
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