Monday, January 19, 2009


My life has changed quite a bit since my last post. It always interests me, the looking back. It can all sneak up and then wham! you've got a different life.

I have 4 kids now - we've added Bay's boyfriend, Greg (17) to our home. He's had some trouble with his mom, with his sisters. I don't want to hurt him in any way by speaking about private matters, but after talking with his mom, I can say that I believe he is better off here.

In addition, I've learned that Bay has some trouble that I was unaware of and while I am frightened for her, I feel that knowing, that getting it all out in the open can only lead to some sort of resolution. I love my daughter and I am positive that she is going to have a wonderful life. These teenage years, they might be challenging her, but she's going to be okay. Better than okay.

In the meantime, Sarah is adjusting to having Greg here. She keeps trying to get into the conversations that the big kids are having, there's lots of dude this and dude that. Sarah is having some growing pains of her own right now. She feels like she doesn't exactly fit in her body. Her interests are changing and today she made all these efforts with her outfit, but on the way out to the car I noticed that she'd wiped her peanut butter fingers all over it. So, she's growing up, yes, but still a little girl.

Max has slept the entire vacation weekend. He threw up last night, but was much better today. He's enjoying some of the juices that I'm reviewing for Veggie Chic. We've tried the Amazon Acai and a Cashew fruit juice. The Cashew was different - it tasted almost like a weak pineapple juice, but it has an odd odor. The Acai has an earthy flavor. My friend asked if I meant "dirt" when I said earthy, but it's not that. It's almost like dusty fruit. The truth is that we are so used to something sweetened and filtered all to heck so that when we are given the opportunity to try something healthy and close to it's origin, well it's a different and a bit of a shock. Max doesn't have those preconcieved ideas, so he was cool with it.

Another thing I've tried - Truvia. That stuff was great. It's made from the Stevia plant and it tastes like Splenda. I used it in coffee, tea, and a tomato pasta sauce. Great sweet flavor with no calories.

I have a book giveaway going on at Dating Dames . If you know someone who is internet dating or thinking about it - this book is a great resource and gives good advice about setting up a profile. The author met her husband online, so she knows what works.

Well, I'm off to bed now. My tummy is a bit upset and I really just want to read until I fall asleep.

I hope that you have a good day/evening.


Anonymous said...

You have a full plate right now, but there is light at the end of the tunnel..

Askew To You said...

Thanks :D You know, I feel fairly hopeful right now.

MyMaracas said...

Sounds like a full house -- full of life and love. The teen years are a challenge, but it does pass. These kids are lucky to have you guiding them through.