Sunday, July 27, 2008

100th Post :D

I spent Friday and Saturday with my sister and her family. Here's Mom with my niece, Trinity. I took a lot of photos of Trinity. She likes to "model," but she's quick, changing from pose to pose - all of her own idea - and sometimes her face is a blur or it looks as if she has three eyes.
Sunday my brother's family came over in the evening and we sat outside and enjoyed the rest of the day. The weather has been wonderful this past week - only in the 90s.
S and his son, Owen arrived this morning, but they have to leave tomorrow afternoon. Here's a message from Owen. vvx lhmyc`gy7bcx As he typed that, he whispered, "Dada dada......" His dad is running an errand. Well, that's about it for now. This is my 100th post, but I'm exhausted from my weekend of fun. And I'm wrestling Owen for control of the keyboard. He's so darn cute.


Homemom3 said...

sounds like you had a blast. How old did you say S's son was? Oh and Trinity has such a cute dimple in her cheek. :)

Askew To You said...

He will be 2 on the 4th. Trin is very dimple-y. :D

Rambling Woods said...

Happy anniversary..