Monday, April 12, 2010

Ruby Tuesday: Crayon Colors

Something colorful for Ruby Tuesday........ Can you tell what they are?  If you want to take part in Ruby Tuesday, click here.


Sara Chapman said...

The only thing I can guess is somehow you've found a source for beautiful tomato cages? They sure are pretty. Great RT entry.

Homemom3 said...

Tomato cages to me. But I know you grow other veggies too. So what is it?

Hootin Anni said...

Yes, I agree with Sara - your first commentor. They look like tomato 'cages'. Pretty too.

Hi, if you can find time, I'd really enjoy your visit today...viewing my RUBY TUESDAY

Marie said...

Lovely and colorful butI have no idea what it is.

Auntie E said...

Oh I would love those in my garden.. They do look like garden cages of bushes.
My Ruby Link for you

Kim, USA said...

Oh wow I have not seen like this before. Our's here is just plain steel metal color looking, not this one which is very colorful. Happy RRT!


Cherie Burbach said...

I don't know... can't guess... but I do enjoy this picture. I like how colorful these are. I've ruled out vases, pen holders, garbage cans, and umbrella stands. (Yeah, my guesses are not at all original!)

Okay, so WHAT ARE THEY??

nonizamboni said...

I first aid eyes on these colorful beauties last year. Clever and fetching post!

Askew To You said...

Yes, they are tomato cages. So cute and colorful. They carry them at Raleys, if you live anywhere near the west coast of the US. Thanks for the comments!

eastcoastlife said...

Tomatoes cages!? I don't know such things exist. Living in a tiny country in Asia, I do miss a lot of stuff and happenings around the world. :)