Monday, June 1, 2009

Ruby Tuesday - Flowers and Strawberries

Happy Ruby Tuesday to you! Ruby Tuesday is hosted by the Teach and it features photos with a red theme.

I've got a few shots from my patio. These are some sort of geranium. They have a very red center to the leaves, so the plant looks pretty even when there are no flowers.

Here's a strawberry. Yum..........

And another view of the strawberry.........

And a geranium. This plant is a piece off of a geranium that Mom had on her table as a decoration when my sister graduated from college 16 years ago. If you weren't already aware of it, you can easily do this with geraniums. You break off a piece of the thick part of the stem, then you bury it in some good potting soil, water it, and eventually it will root and take off. Pretty cool, don't you think?
If you would like to take part or see more Ruby Tuesday posts, take a look here.


SouthLakesMom said...

lovely red!

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

I love strawberries and geraniums! I just bought a batch of cherries too...yum! Tis the season for fresh berries!

Auntie E said...

Nice Strawberry photo. look very tasty

chrome3d said...

Strawberries are truly yum yum. Thanks for sharing them!

Susan Cook said...

I tried to grow strawberries once, but with no luck. Wow that's cool that your Mom has the same geranium from 16 yrs. ago!

Thanks for sharing.

Dianne said...

the 2nd shot is amazing! the color is so rich

Askew To You said...

Thanks for the comments! I'm off to check out what you all have got up now. :D