Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thankgiving Grump

Sometimes I have a hard time with holidays. My intention is to be happy and make a festive home, but part of me wants to go back to bed and sleep right through the day.

I woke up all set to get busy, but as the day went on I could feel my celebratory spirit slipping away. I kept cooking, getting organized, taking pictures, talking to Sarah, but I missed my daughter Bailey and I missed the company of other women in the kitchen - Mom, Robin, Grandma.

After dinner, I pulled the garbage bag out of the can, it split and the turkey carcass rolled down my leg, along my foot, onto the floor. I was done. I called Leah - she and KP were due in less than an hour for pie - and asked if we could postpone until tomorrow. I left them pie-less.

I want to figure out how to keep from getting grumpy at Christmas. Where is my notebook? I need to get started on a plan....

#1 Follow Sarah's cheery example. Sarah has the right attitude about the holidays. It doesn't matter which one. She's always ready to seize the day.......or the Kitty.

Kitty is trying to look grumpier than me here. Okay, she wins.


Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Sorry it was a difficult day for you. Many have trouble not being grumpy during the holidays, me included. Kinda of ironic that the "most wonderful time of year" often brings out our worst moods.

Askew To You said...

It was okay, I'm a big baby. I wonder if it'a an expectation thing? Or maybe we need more sunlight?