Sunday, September 20, 2009

Spiders and Leaves

Some early signs of Fall on my patio....... I got my new macro lens on Friday and I started searching out bugs. I got a few spiders, but what I'd really like to find now is that Praying Mantis. I'd love to get a good shot of him for my mom. She loves those Praying Mantis.

This one was so close. If only the cup was clearer and the spider was just a little further down. That spider was never motionless, just here, there, here, there. Busy guy (or girl). I like how the words look.
Here he is underneath. He came back out today and I shot a bunch looking down at him. He has some interesting coloring and his body is sort of wrinkly. Mom pointed out that he looked old. He did. I wonder how long spiders live? I should look that up.

I love my new lens. Thanks eBay!!


Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Fun! Having a new lens is absolutely exhilarating, is it not?

Askew To You said...

It's been so much fun. It had to stay in the bag today, because I was having trouble with my work, but I got it out constantly over the weekend. So much fun.

ramblingwoods said...

I would love a macro lens to take some photos like these and I love that you are taking pictures of insects as that is my new interest. Fall is on its way isn't it... Michelle

Homemom3 said...

oops thought I commented on this, guess not. I love the way it did that with the words. What type of spider is that? Looks strange. We found a big one in between our screen and front door. Ikkk.

MyMaracas said...

Lucky you! I'd love a macro lens. My little point and shoot does a pretty good job with macro, but it would be so much fun to have a really good lens. Hats off to you for being able to appreciate spiders!

Askew To You said...

I bought a macro that was not a Canon, but made for Canon, so that made it much more affordable. It's been a lot of fun.

You are right, Fall is on the way. We are finally in the 70s here. :)