Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cookies, Macro Lens, and Win Some Parfum!

My tummy is full of two of the above cookies. Yum. They are Mint Chocolate Chip and I have the recipe here, if you are interested. I'm usually more than a 2 cookie girl, but these suckers are rich.
Today, I won my first ever eBay auction. Very soon I'll have a new (to me) Macro lens for my little Canon. Woohoo! I cannot wait to get it. There's a big spider on the porch that I've been trying and trying to shot, but he never comes out very clear. I'm pretty sure it's going to work well for shooting people, too. Damn, I'm excited!
If you are a Twitter-er, then add KenzoUSA and tweet the following message and you could win a bottle of the new Kenzo fragrance FlowerbyKenzo Essentielle:
Follow @kenzousa and RT for a chance to win new FlowerbyKenzo Essentielle! Ends 9/21.
That's it. I've got to get back to The Biggest Loser. I love that show.

1 comment:

Homemom3 said...

Congrats on your first ebay auction success. Can't wait to hear about the item you get. Cookies look really good and I love mint chip, will have to try the recipe soon.

Oh let me know when you snap that spider. You know me and the Fall.