Monday, February 2, 2009

More Cuties and I Love TV, Maybe Too Much

I'm holding another Cuties Giveaway. It will be up tomorrow morning at, if you'd like to enter. I'll be giving away 5 - 5lb boxes of Cuties mandarin oranges.

I was home from work today. I got sick in the middle of the night and I still don't feel well. I was able to eat - I made banana pancakes - but the smell of the pan is hanging in the air and it's making me feel ill again.

I watched the return of Chuck and Heroes tonight. I'd given up on Heroes, so I'm not totally clear on how they left it brefore the break. I missed 2 or 3 episodes. This episode, if feels like a good start.

Now Medium. I can't remember how long I've waited to see this show.

It's embarrassing how much I enjoy my tv shows.


Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

I am a tivo-er. I never watch my shows in real time. I HAVE to fast forward through commercials or I get too bored and stop watching!

Askew To You said...

That's the good thing about watching them online, too, but I never get a good enough connection. :(

Homemom3 said...

I miss my TV. :( I use to love watching Chuck, might try to find the last season on youtube today. :)

Dianne said...

TV is a wonderful diversion

I watched Medium and really enjoyed it, I had seen a few old episodes on Lifetime but never really got into it, now I like it

Hope you're feeling better