Monday, October 13, 2008


Today Dating Dames is taking part in b5Media's Blogtoberfest. If you'd like a chance at a prize, you can comment on my post I Do Not Suck. There are various other prizes hiding around our Lifestyles Channel. I have a list of links at the bottom of my post.


Faye said...

I would so not like meeting your middle doodle character at a party! Who were you thinking of--the out of favor boyfriend?
BTW, I love your background music. Who was I listening to?

Askew To You said...

Faye, I have a little playlist down on the right border. Scroll down and you will see it. You can make up a playlist of your own to use on your blog. It's fun!

That face, he just came out with that red 9. My boyfriend has shorter hair and prettier lips. ;D