Thursday, October 23, 2008

Backwards Day

I was riding my bike on Tuesday and the sun was this big red ball. I rode home as fast as I could to grab my camera. Then, I had to decide, drive or ride back? Get the shot or enjoy the ride? I chose the ride and totally missed the shot, but still it was fun, the darting in, grabbing my stuff, jumping on my bike, riding like a crazy woman.........

I tried a few TTVs, but my camera was out of focus and this is the best that I got......

Earlier in the day, the kids found this guy on the patio.............

I love insects...........well, on the patio. In the house, not so much.
Today, Max and I are off to Yuba City to visit his neurologist. It is a check-up, he has no new problems that I am aware of. I think he enjoyed the sleeping in. I know that I did.
I keep looking at him and thinking about how I can't believe he's turning 18 in a few days. Were did all that time go? He still feels like my baby boy. I guess because I do all his care and I carry him. I'm so lucky that I've had so many years with him. Most kids with his brain disorder - Lissencephaly - die somewhere between 3 months and 3 years.
I will miss being at the school today - it's Backwards Day. We are in the midst of our Red Ribbon Week. The Backwards Day is "Turn your back on drugs," and I could see all the 6th graders wearing backward hoodies when I dropped Sarah off. Dang, I wish I was there to see how silly they are being.
Tomorrow will be another theme day. I'll get in on that one. :D
Gotta get ready for the trip. I wish you a good day.


Homemom3 said...

we are doing red ribbon week here, K told me today they are doing the pledge every day this week for it. Even asked, "Mom did you ever..." Thankfully I was able to say no. I love the sun pic.

Askew To You said...

Thanks Eliza. Red Ribbon week is so important to the kids. I hope that you kids have fun with it and take in the message. :D