Rambling Woods started something she's calling Nature Notes. I just woke up, so please excuse me if I don't get it completely correct. She is inviting people to take photos of their local nature and share them with the blogging world. Please click her name above, if you'd like to a take a look and participate.
Here are some flowers on my patio. I call them pansies, but I think that they are actually called something else. The something else currently escapes me, I'm sorry to say. I want to say violas, but that's probably wrong. I need some coffee.

Bay had a minimum day last week and we took the cameras down to Sycamore Pool, at One Mile, in Bidwell Park. I was messing around with the Through the Viewfinder here. My new Canon works much more effectively for this, because I can set the automatic focus. No leaves on the Sycamores yet.

Here's a longer shot of yesterday's Wordless Wednesday photo. That's a Valley Oak over head and I'm looking toward the dam and the bridge.

Bay leaned over and caught her focus on the side of the water with the Nikon. I wanted to try it and then she started taking shots of me taking shots. I don't know how many shots she made of me from my feet up - I was laying on the sidewalk - but I hate to think of the view of my big butt floating around somewhere out there. The park was pretty full for a weekday, but that's what it's like in a college town - the weather turns pretty, everyone heads for the water.

If you'd like to take part in Nature Notes. Then, you can click Rambling Woods name above or the picture, because I tried to make it clickable. :D More nature to come. Have a nice day.
Oh Michelle..thank you so much for taking part in Nature Notes. I really wondered if anyone would. LOL. I love that you and Bay are out having some fun with the cameras. You can post anything about nature that you want..photos, prose, drawings, anything. Thanks again.. Michelle
Nice "Nature Notes", thanks for sharing your world with us.
That's a beautiful shot of the pansies, so crisp and perfect. And the angle of the water shots was worth the effort. I made for lovely lights.
Good shots of the park, and especially the water.
Thanks! Your comments made me smile. I think that Nature Notes is a great idea, Michelle. Thanks for starting it.
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