Saturday, March 27, 2010

Dating Is Tough But It's Easier Than War

I noticed this spider on the window, so I grabbed my camera and headed outside. By the time I go there, he was trying to escape, but I got him.
Leah came over today for a haircut and a movie. She brought Brothers. Have you seen Brothers? Very good, but exhausting. I kept thinking, this is not going to end well and when it finally did end, Leah said she had the same thought.
So many things happen in the world, horrible things, and I am happily oblivious, safe in my home. I am very grateful that there are people out there doing the hard stuff, facing down the horrible stuff, so that my family is able to be safe. Thank you.
I need to make this quick. I have a date tonight and no idea what to wear. Does anyone look forward to first dates? I was going to ask if they are just something that we have to endure, but that seems ridiculous after the paragraphs that I wrote above. It's just a first date. It is not a night in a war zone.


Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

I hope it went well! Thinking about you and waiting for an update. I haven't had a first date in 16 years...since I met my husband, so I am the wrong one to ask!

Askew To You said...

It went pretty good. He was a nice man. I feel like I made a new friend.

After my divorce, I went a lot of years without dating. When I first started again, I'd feel this panic when date-time approached. I am over that, but it's still kind of stressful.