Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - I Love His Ears

My wordy part of Wordless Wednesday...... this is the back of my beautiful boyfriend's head. As you can tell, he's a lot taller than me. Also...don't forget to enter to win one of two cookbooks at my giveaway that you can find here. Thanks! And happy Wednesday to you!


Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

They are afwfully cute! Glad you are happy ;0)

Homemom3 said...

hehe how cute. Yes, much taller than you. Hope ya get to see him again very soon.

Askew To You said...

He said that it looks like he's 8 feet tall in this picture, but that "his haircut looks good." I was happy to hear that since I'm the one who gave him the haircut. :)