Max has a brain disorder called Lissencephaly. Kids with his disorder, they don't live very long. When he was little, I used to hear they had between 3 months and 3 years, something like that. I've had 18 years so far and in those 18 years, we've spent very little time apart. He's stayed the night with Grandma a couple of times. We were apart for about 36 hours when each of his sisters were born. In my whole life, Max is the biggest constant. Taking care of him, it's my most important job. And I love it.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Max's Birthday
Max has a brain disorder called Lissencephaly. Kids with his disorder, they don't live very long. When he was little, I used to hear they had between 3 months and 3 years, something like that. I've had 18 years so far and in those 18 years, we've spent very little time apart. He's stayed the night with Grandma a couple of times. We were apart for about 36 hours when each of his sisters were born. In my whole life, Max is the biggest constant. Taking care of him, it's my most important job. And I love it.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Wordless Wednesday - Day Lily
Ruby Tuesday - Red Snapdragon
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I made some teriyaki sauce today. I'm using it for dinner tonight, but I've got a lot of other ideas for it - chicken marinade, sauce for veggies and rice, salad dressing, etc. If you'd like to see the recipe, I've got it here . I put a recipe up there for a quick cream of brocoli soup, as well. I made it for lunch yesterday for the girls and I. Quick. Easy. Yummy.
My friend, Leah, came by for a visit today and she brought us a bag of Jelly Belly Belly Flops . Belly flops are jelly beans that are oddly shaped - like doubles or triples. They sort of look like jelly bean dribbles, really. They taste great and I'm a fan of oddball anything.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Backwards Day
I tried a few TTVs, but my camera was out of focus and this is the best that I got......
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Dream House
This is through the window next to the front door. Doesn't the light look pretty?
Monday, October 20, 2008
Ruby Tuesday - Peppers
Here are some red peppers from the Farmer's Market.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
The Farmer's Market With Leah
Okay, so this is how the day went..... we met at the corner and headed toward the market. I was hoping to find some citrus fruit, but it appears that squash was the theme of the day. We saw varieties of pumpkin that neither of us had ever seen before. There was even a sort of blue-gray pumpkin. I like the crazy-shaped Cinderella style pumpkins best. Check out that cute Grandpa. I bet he's got some great stuff in his bags. Great sweater. (I sure miss my Grandpa).
All in all a very successful morning at the market.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Friendly Friday
I put away my groceries, grabbed my camera and this is a little of what I found in about 10 minutes of walking around my neighborhood. Below, see a grasshopper's eye-view of the sun shining on the wet grass.
The light was perfect for reflections. I'm not sure if anyone else thinks this looks cool, but I love a good reflection.
Some of the trees are turning, but we're still enjoying Summery temperatures here. I think it's supposed to get to 88 today. I've noticed jackets all over the playground at work. I try to gather them up, put them where the kids can see them, because I know how much it sucks to have to continually replace lost items. You should see how full our lost and found gets.
My Cannas are still going strong. The yellows, in particular. I think when it cools off more, I'm going to dig some up and move them around a bit more again. I'd like to stash some in my potted plants, too.
I didn't end up with any zuchini or pumpkins, very few tomatoes. I really don't know what happened. Oh well, there's always next year. :D My flowers were lovely, so I still feel very lucky.
We are nearing the end of Blogtoberfest over at b5Media's Lifestyle Channels. Lara put a prize-sponsored post up yesterday and there's still time to leave a comment for a chance to win. My friend Eliza has one up at, as well. Eliza's wondering about Mom's and stretchmarks......if you have a story to share, your comment could prove to be a winner. I will have a new post up, my last prize-sponsored post, at 4pm Central time. You can find it at Dating
Well, it's time to head out to recess. I wish you all a beautiful Friday!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Love Thursday - I Love To Be Outside
Here are the hearts that live right outside my front door. My front door is just inches away. Hey, c'mon in. :D
Today I got to do something fun. I did the random drawing that picked the winner of Dating's Blogtoberfest prize. I was so nervous, afraid I'd screw it up somehow, but happily I can assure you, it's pretty much goof-proof. You see how many comments you have (in my case, I had 190!!!), then you go to this place that picks the number for you online. You input some info - like pick one number, from 1-190. The number comes up, you contact the winner by email, she sends you her contact info, you send it to the vendor, you write up the "We've Got A Winner" post, and ta-da!! you are done..... until the 17th, when it starts all over again with a new prize-sponsored post. I wish I could do a prize post a week over there.
Well, it's late and I've got a stack of library books waiting for me. I wish you a very happy Love Thursday!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Ruby Tuesday - Red Helmet
It is hosted by the Teach at Work of the Poet. You can find links to many more red-themed photos over there.
Here we see my neighbor's bike helmet. Oh my goodness! I just realized that it's my friend, Mason's helmet. Mason and his family (his sister Taylor has been featured here a few times) moved a few weeks ago. As I was looking through my photos tonight, I saw the red helmet and thought, a-ha! not even thinking until about the owner of the helmet until my second read through. I sure hope they are settling into their new home. Mason is in the 8th grade, not an easy time of life for a school change.
My Doodle
Okay, I'm back with my analysis.
Analyzing my doodle.......... I want to be important in people's lives, because I've got a large picture in the middle there. I started my doodle on the left, but that may have been influenced by the red nine (this was part of the instructions, start with a red "9"). I filled in most of the right side first (the face, then went to the flower pot, the hearts, etc) which signifies that I use logic. I have a combination of light and dark strokes, probably more of the light, the dark was to show hair, lashes, coloring. Dark can show depression and while I'm not at the top of my game right now, I am in no way depressed.
Now some of the symbolism:
Eyes - this can show a need to be alluring or that I'm feeling like I'm being watched. I have a total of 4 eyeballs in this doodle.
Flowers - Usually drawn by women and are romantic in nature. They show a desire to blossom and be fruitful in life. This absolutely fits me. I just opened that shop and sold my first photo. I'm looking for an additional writing job. I doodle flowers often, now that I think of it.
Lips - These are usually drawn by women and show some sort of sexual frustration. I drew lips on both fish, but none on the man in the middle. I'm currently pissed at my boyfriend, so yep, that fits, too.
Oceans - These doodles are typical of people who spend a lot of time indulging in their imaginations, but who rarely put their dreams into practice. Well, I did not draw the ocean, but I did draw under the ocean. I am currently really trying to take my goals beyond dreams (where they've been hiding for a long time) and into practice. Baby steps, as long as I keep moving forward.............
Portraits - Drawn by young girls to show an idealized self-portrait. Comic faces are drawn by men and show a desire to be the center of attention. So apparently I'm feeling like a man who wants some attention??
Stars - Repeated stars are drawn by irrepressible romantics. I like stars.
It doesn't mention hearts or fish. I draw a lot of both when doodling.
I think that's me pretty accurately. Interesting. If you try it, leave me a comment and let me know where yours is and what you find out.
You can anaylsis your own doodles at
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Opened My Etsy Shop
Times Flies

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Tracey Is Holding a Giveaway!
She's designing a line of lunchbox notes. So smart and creative. If you are interested in checking out her idea and entering her contest, please click the above link.
While you are there, don't forget to look at her photos - she's a wonderful photographer, too.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Getting Through the Day
Every day, when she finishes lunch and heads into the go-to-recess line, she stops by and gives me a hug. Sometimes, when I'm walking around the playground, she will come up behind me and slip her hand into mine. This child is so sweet, so loving. She is a joy to be around.
Last Spring, I posted a picture of one of her brothers - she has two at our school. I don't get a chance to visit with him much this year. He's got a lot of friends and he's busy. I like to see that.
One of my co-workers didn't show up for work today. Our principal had to do her job. I'm hoping that by doing what Tammy has to do every day, she will have more respect for what Tammy accomplishes. Tammy is not always treated with a lot of respect. This evening, I was going through my messages and I found one from Tammy. I'm not sure, but I think she must have left it today. I feel bad that I missed her - she sounded very upset. I hope that she's better this evening.
I'm so out of sorts right now. I'm worried about money. I'm worried about my relationship with my boyfriend. I'm worried about my relationship with my daughter. It's interesting, but no less distressing to me, that I have noticed that they both treat me carelessly in very much the same way. They are quick to judge each other on this bad behavior, but seem unable to recognize it in themselves. I love them both very much, but they are not always easy to love. Somtimes I feel that all I can do is to get through one day at a time, not think too much about the future beyond that.
Well, it's getting late here and I need to get something together for the kids to eat. I can't wait to climb into my bed.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Ruby Tuesday - Sarah Swings
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Carnival-y Post
Sarah was most excited about the sponge throwing. Her Grandma took her to the carnival back in kindergarten and they always laugh about the way she nailed Mr. Preston, the 6th grade teacher, in the face with a wet sponge. He's such a good sport. The kids all seem to love and respect him. Sarah acts like he's a rock star, there's Mr. Preston! there's Mr. Preston! One time, the day after school got out for the Summer in June, we happened to be waiting at a stoplight next to Mr. Preston. He motioned to Sarah to roll down her window and as we waited, he asked about her Summer plans. She was so thrilled. I think it's right up there with attending the Jonas Brother's concert in terms of exciting Summer events.
Here she is letting lose with the sponge..........
I'm in the beginning of what I'm afraid may turn into a spot of the blues. I'm trying very hard to avoid it, medicating with exercise, chocolate, and lots of cooking. I have some tough decisions to make about my personal life. I have tried reaching out to someone that I love many times - sometimes it works out, sometimes I'm hurt further. I'd prefer to avoid the hurt, but I can only control my behavior, not his. Sometimes people don't want to allow themselves to be happy and possibly that is what is going on and by trying to spare me that, I'm actually drawn further into the dark.
I try to live my life in a way that I can be proud of - sometimes I achieve that, sometimes I fail, but it's my intention always. I don't want to hold onto past hurts, or punish anyone. I want to keep an open mind and make decisions that will benefit all of us, not just myself. I keep thinking that this is The Right Way and if I do things The Right Way, my life will work out, that if I put good stuff out there, I will get good stuff back, which will then make me able to put even more good stuff out there........does this make sense?
I'm being petty with some of what is bothering me. I should just take care of my business and let things play out, but in all honesty I'm pissed right now. I've made what I need very clear and I've asked to be treated with respect and caring. That's what I have treated this person with and I should not have to talk someone into treating me well in the first place.
For now, I'm going to continue to do my work. I'm going to spend this week getting a photography business up and running. I have a photo that is going to be one of the prizes over at b5Media's Blogtoberfest. I'll post a link to it, when it's ready. We are also going to be hosting some prizes at Dating Dames. We start tomorrow, I think. I'll let you know.
Lastly, I have a bread recipe up over at A Cook's Bounty, if you are interested. It has a shortcut - begins in the bread machine, but then you bake it in the oven. Turned out pretty good.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Short Post Saturday Morning
I'll post more later. I'm feeling a bit on the blue side right now. I'm feeling off-balance with my boyfriend and that's never a good feeling. I'm going to go hang out with Max and Sarah right now. More later.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Tea Party
This is the gym at Max's school - the location of the tea party. Everyone wore hats. Well, everyone but Mom and me. Next year, we'll wear them. Mom is in the middle of this photo, next to Max's teacher, Jill. She's a great teacher. She's the one who got the kids into the Special Olympics. The tent, that's where the tea was stationed. The placemats, they are the artwork of the children. We got to take one home.
Here's some of the goodies. We had brownies, cookies, little pigs in blankets, pinwheel sandwiches, tea, and coffee. There was a beautiful fruit salad. All the ladies from Max's class they really enjoyed putting on the event, it was obvious. We chatted with one of the aids (I forget her name, very embarrassing) and she told me that she liked to see what Max is dressed in each day and that she felt an affinity with my family because our kids are around the same age. She was a nice lady, she mentioned angels and God. I've noticed over the years that people who are spiritual are very interested in Max. I don't have a problem with it, it's just something that I've taken note of. I'm not sure of Max's opinions on religion. I think if anything he worships trees. That kid loves trees.
I enjoy visiting Max's school, but it's also a reminder of how delicate he is. He's now one of the oldest kids in that school. He's been going there since he was 2. So much has changed since then.
It's hard to explain what raising Max is like. It's honestly a privilege, but it's also a challenge. I worry about him every day and not in the same way that I worry about the girls. I worry about his breathing and his eating and his slowly twisting body. He turns 18 in a few weeks. Okay, I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but I'm getting too emotional to explain anymore right now. Thinking about my son's mortality every single day, it's not easy.
Thanks for reading and I wish you a good day.
Oh, and here's a shot of some candy.