My friend, Leah, and I went to the Farmer's Market yesterday. Leah is my old friend from middle school, I reconnected with on MySpace. Leah is a peach - funny, smart, warm. I'm very lucky that have found her friendship again.
Okay, so this is how the day went..... we met at the corner and headed toward the market. I was hoping to find some citrus fruit, but it appears that squash was the theme of the day. We saw varieties of pumpkin that neither of us had ever seen before. There was even a sort of blue-gray pumpkin. I like the crazy-shaped Cinderella style pumpkins best. Check out that cute Grandpa. I bet he's got some great stuff in his bags. Great sweater. (I sure miss my Grandpa).

Ooh, look I got one of those blue-gray pumpkins here. I didn't realize that I had a photo of one. I love this display, such a variety of shapes and colors of squash.

The sun finally breaking through..............

Leah and I agreed that the below flowers made a lovely arrangement and probably very fragrant, as well. Most of the arrangements included Sunflowers, which I love, but this grouping is different, more sophisticated. The succulents are to this lady's right. I took some photos of those, I'll share them later. Leah touched one! Really, she touched a cacti. It was a not a stickery looking guy, but still she's a bold one. ;D They are so perfect, she was saying, "They don't look real......" The flowers, have you seen flowers on a cactus? They are incredible - bright colored, sort of papery. Really beautiful.

We could not skip the grapes. These are Thompson grapes. Leah is to the left and the vender is to the right. She told us that this was her last weekend selling grapes. She makes wine and I got the impression that she's going to continue that. She said some funny things like, "These are Thompson grapes. Old man Thompson is buried on the property, that's why they taste so good..." or something like that. She was a character. I'd like to go check out her winery. It's
La Rocca Winery
When I got home, we blew through those grapes. Yum. The wine lady said that they were very sugary because it was time for them to turn to raisins. I also picked up a huge brocoli, honey stix, rocks for Sarah (Sarah loved the one Leah picked out best), and some beeswax candles.
All in all a very successful morning at the market.
you are such a sneaky one with that camera! thanks for not putting my whole self in there though. :) i had a great time too. the grapes were delicious! i only wish i would've bought more of the gourds...they are so cute. :) i'm supposed to go to a rock show in november with my niece. i will keep an eye out for some cool rocks for sarah. :)
I think you should go back and grab some of those gourds. You know they do a Wednesday morning market down at the North Valley Plaza. Do they still call it that? It's over by the Taco Bell, I think.
So you eat veggies in us ; )
What a fabulous market! Pumpkins with all forms and colors are better than any outdoor decoration!
I love the result.
About wine.....: ( so sorry, to tell you that, as a French, I can't agree with the seller). We must stay number ONE in the market! It's an economical priority.
Just kidding, of course. But don't tell to my fellow citizens, they don't get sense of humor about it.
I'm funny with the wine - I only buy California wine. ;D I didn't buy any of this one, but my mom and I are going up the hill to try it out. I will buy some then.
The Farmer's Market is lovely on a Saturday Morning - even when it's cloudy or rainy. :D
Wow, look like a fun time and LOVE that gpa. I miss mine too, grandpas are such loving people. My kids would've loved those grapes.Loved the pumpkin display, haven't bought mine yet.
What a fun post!!
I picked up a pumpkin,but not from the Farmer's Market. Those grapes are so good, very, very sweet and little.
The post is great, keep on sharing
I liked the post that contained the visit to farmers' market. I had gone there myself once, during reading I found my self to be wandering there with both of them.
In the presence of all the encouraging comment I can only say that, The post is truly great...!
wonderful and amazing.......
Totally agree, Thanks for sharing such a nice post. Truely involving...
Please keep up the good work. Appreicate you efforts for sharing.
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